Visit Aalto Festival 2016

Aalto Festival showcases the talents of
Aalto University students, graduates and faculty.

Aalto ARTS Books 30 yrs and publishing of two art books

Wed 20.5.2015
17.00 – 19.00

During this event two books will be published: Juha Varto’s The Sins of the Fathers as well as Kirsi Heimonen, Mira Kallio-Tavin, and Tiina Pusa’s Kesken-erillään, taiteessa altistumisesta. Varto highlights topics and forms of speech in education. He shows how society has become educative. Heimonen, Kallio-Tavin and Pusa explore the intersections of arts-based research and the field of social welfare. This combination offers new knowledge that creates a foundation for diverse possibilities for societal renewal. We will also celebrate Aalto ARTS Books 30th anniversary.

Visit the event website

Images from this event

Photo: Maiju Harila

Photo: Maiju Harila

More Aalto Festival images

NODE galleria
Hämeentie 135 C
00560 Helsinki
5th Floor

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Contact for this event:
Mira Kallio-Tavin
+358 50 3442 082

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