Visit Aalto Festival 2016

Aalto Festival showcases the talents of
Aalto University students, graduates and faculty.

Pack-Age Gala

Thu 28.5.2015
09.00 – 12.00

Photo: Thomas Ruotsalainen

Design teams present new exiting packaging concepts and prototypes to the public and their clients at the closing show of Pack-Age 2015. Pack-Age is an Aalto minor course, joining talent from four different schools to create a unique learning platform for tackling real packaging design challenges from the industry. Each team has a specific design challenge from a company. The student teams are custom built for each project. Project-based learning is supported by a wide range of theme lectures and workshops by specialists from Finland and abroad.

Images from this event

Photo: Maiju Harila

Photo: Maiju Harila

Photo: Maiju Harila

Photo: Maiju Harila

Photo: Maiju Harila

Photo: Maiju Harila

More Aalto Festival images

Design Factory
Betonimiehenkuja 5C
02150 Espoo

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Contact for this event:
Markus Joutsela
+358 50 409 4405

View the Aalto Festival calendar