Aalto Festival esittelee Aalto-yliopiston
opiskelijoiden, vastavalmistuneiden ja
akateemisten osaamista.

Millennium Talks: Smart & Clean – From New Energy to Business

Ma 23.5.2016
14.00 – 17.00

Jukka Mäkelä, Espoo and Tiina Kähö, Sitra: Cities as an energizing platform for people and businesses

Professor Kees Zoeteman, University of Tilburg, presents a new study “Towards Sustainable EU Cities” in which Espoo came first in the EU
Jenny Josefine Holen, from the City of Oslo tells the story of how Oslo became the electric vehicle capital of Europe

Short presentations by:
Simo Honkanen, Neste
Markku Makkonen, Fourdeg
Outi Luukko, Touch point
Alexander Host Frederiksen, Donkey Republic

This event is part of the Millennium Technology Prize 2016 celebration week and it is organized in partnership with city of Espoo, Sitra and cities of Helsinki, Vantaa and Helsinki Business HUB

The event is in English and open for public free of charge

Tapahtuman kotisivut

Vertical Accelerator, Otaniemi
Tekniikantie 2
00150 Espoo

Google Maps HSL Reittiopas

Tämän tapahtuman yhteyshenkilö:

Johanna Fräki
+358 40 554 6604
Reveal e-mail