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Nähdään taas vuonna 2018.

ME310 Aalto Global Innovation Program Expo

viim. Ti 30.05.

Ilmoittaudu tässä

Kuva: Maud Bocquillod

ME310 Aalto Global Innovation Program Expo presents the results of academic-year long Design Thinking projects done in collaboration with companies and universities around the world. This is a moment for the student teams to shine and share a story of their learnings, their challenges and the results of 9 months of hard work. They walk you through their extensive need finding, benchmarking, ideation, prototyping, user testing and validation all the way to their final solution.
After the presentations you get to put yourself in the shoes of their users and experience their final concepts for yourself.
Join us to learn how deep understanding of users leads to tangible results and user-centered innovation!

Projects this year:
OP – Guiding SMEs toward a brighter future (Swinburne University, AUS)
Roland Garros – Expanding sports events outside the stadium (d.School Paris, FRA)
BASF – Enhancing communication in the farming industry (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, GER)
Xylem – Revitalising the future of water quality management (Stanford University, USA)

15:30-16:00 Welcome
- Registration & coffee
16:00-17:00 Project Presentations
- 10min presentations and 5min Q&A per team
17:00-18:00 Expo
- Meet the teams & experience the prototypes

Tapahtuman kieli on englanti.

#me310 #sugarnetwork #@aaltouniversity

ME310 Aalto Global Innovation Program Expo Facebookissa

Tapahtuman kotisivut

Aalto Design Factory
Betonimiehenkuja 5 C
02150 Espoo

Google Maps HSL Reittiopas

Tämän tapahtuman yhteyshenkilö:

Markku Koskela
Aalto Design Factory
+358 50 408 1760
Reveal e-mail