Otaniemi Urban Week
Otaniemi Urban Week is an open event organised by students of Aalto University to explore the questions of Art, Space, Activism, Co-creation, and Urbanity. It brings together decision makers, artists, curators, dreamers, and experimentalists to exchange ideas and develop alternative ways of planning and developing the campus space.
The week includes discussions, talks, grilling together, idea pitching and movie screenings to broaden the understanding of what makes this space truly urban.
Otaniemi Urban Week takes place in the newly established Otaniemi Free Space, a volunteer-run collaborative playground where students, organisations and other members of Aalto community have the opportunity to create things together, test their own projects, experiment on event ideas and meet people outside their own social circles.
If you feel you want to engage do not hesitate and contact us directly via facebook or email.
Tapahtuman kieli on englanti.
Otaniemi Free Space
Sähkömiehentie 4 G
02150 Espoo
Tämän tapahtuman yhteyshenkilö:
Essi Laurila
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